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The Cartoon “Peppa Pig” Welcomes its First Homoparental Family

The popular children’s cartoon Pegga Pig finally introduces, in season 7, the first LGBT representation of the series: a lesbian bear couple!

“This is my little brother George, and this is Mama Pig, and this is Daddy Pig…” If you’re a parent, you’re bound to know the song from the Peppa Pig cartoon, which features a young sow growing up in a classic family pattern. But after 18 years of existence, the children’s series has reached its seventh season in the UK, and this Tuesday, September 6, on Channel 5, where it is broadcast, introduced its first same-sex family in episode 41, entitled “Families”.

And it’s not just an evocation but an explicit scene. Peppa, the heroine, has many friends (even if she is subjectively unbearable) including Penny Polar Bear, who introduces her to her family via a drawing of two bears wearing dresses. “I‘m Penny Polar Bear. I live with my mummy and my other mummy,” the young bear develops. One of the mums is a doctor and the other one makes spaghetti. I love spaghetti.” It’s a far cry from the butch who runs a feminist bookshop, but the representation is to be welcomed. And besides,, who doesn’t love spaghetti?

Peppa Pig, youth influencer

In 2019, fans of Peppa Pig (shown in France on France 5 and via Netflix) launched an online petition demanding the inclusion of a same-sex family. It collected over 23,000 signatures, arguing that “children who watch Peppa Pig are at an impressionable age, and excluding same-sex families will teach them that only straight or single-parent families are normal”.

Although still too rare, homoparenting is beginning to be featured in content aimed at young audiences. In 2014, Disney Channel presented its first gay parents in an episode of the series Good Luck Charlie. Several Pixar films have also added their stone to the edifice, such as Dory’s World and Toy Story 4, where female couples can be seen furtively. In Doctor Plush, Scrooge’s Band, Cool Attitude, Welcome to the Louds, and Danger Force, gay parents are increasingly showing their faces. With a special award for She-Ra and the Power Princesses, known as one of the most inclusive animated series.

via: www.tetu.com

translated from french with www.deepl.com



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