Marc Vallée: Documenting Thierry

Marc Vallée: Documenting Thierry, Retramp Gallery, Berlin, 21 July, 2022.

French male sex worker and political activist Thierry Schaffauser, London, 2011. © Marc Vallée.

Retramp Gallery will present an installation of Marc Vallée’s 2017 self-published zine Documenting Thierry of french male sex worker and political activist Thierry Schaffauser.

“Ok, so, my name is Thierry Schaffauser, I’m a sex worker, or a whore if you want, I’m queer, I’m a drug user, I’m a migrant, and recently I’ve read something about sexual addiction so maybe I will claim that as well! What I’m doing in terms of political activism I do, particularly everything, for freedom. Which is related to sexual minorities. I started activism with Act-Up in Paris around HIV politics. I’m very involved with sex worker activism, queer activism, things like that…” – Thierry Schaffauser, London, 2012.

French male sex worker and political activist Thierry Schaffauser, London, 2012. © Marc Vallée.

Marc Vallée is a London-based documentary photographer. Self-published zines and photobooks are held in the collections of Tate Britain, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Museum of London, the Martin Parr Foundation and the Maison Européenne de la Photographie (MEP) in Paris. Prints are held in public and private collections including the Museum of London.

Thierry Schaffauser is a Paris based sex worker, political activist and writer.

The out of print publication is held in the Tate Britain and Martin Parr Foundation collections.

Opening night: 19:00-22:00, Thursday 21 July 2022.
Retramp Gallery, Reuterstrassse 62, Berlin, 12047.
RSVP: Eventbrite.



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