Today is not an easy day. Queer press and books are forced into silence. But we have something powerful on our side. We’ve got you. You make us strong. is leading a renaissance in high-quality queer journalism across Europe. The magazine, podcast, zines and newsletter are award-winning, independent European queer platforms. As a non-profit, most of our revenue is directed towards the Queer Journalism Campus to help mentor young queer journalists.
Our stations are in Vienna, London, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, Warsaw and Bucharest.
GAY45 is funded by readers. Our editors decide what we publish—no one else.
We are a non-profit, not a corporation. Donate as much as you can.
Every €5 is a way to help the community, the independent press, and fight against silence. GAY45 is Europe’s leading queer magazine because of you.
Donate to support our Queer Journalism Campus and GAY45 now, for a better press in a very complicated world environment.
For more details and any questions please write to us at [email protected]
GAY45 is Europe’s leading queer magazine of culture, politics and ideas because of you.
We appreciate it. Thanks for reading and supporting us.